"We can use our stories to heal and make ourselves whole." - Susan Wittig Albert

Narrative Therapy Cliffnotes

letters, numbers, blocks

Telling Your Stories Is Important

Articulating stories to another allows us to discover new meaning, lean into positive perspectives and broaden storylines. What we author can shift to hold life-affirming viewpoints. A therapist remains non-blaming and respectful as stories are witnessed.

Narratives Shape Realities

Stories, or narratives, that we believe and communicate help us understand reality. The way we interact and dialogue with others through language molds what’s real. What’s true for one person  versus another differs. We can shape stories that better serve us. 

We Are Not Our Problems

People and their problems are separate. Though we may have thought patterns, situations, or behaviors we want to change, we are not defined by them. Problems can be externalized and  addressed for what they are instead of integrated into our identities.