"Life is not separate from death.
It only looks that way."
-Blackfoot Indian Proverb

Age is a Beautiful Thing

older adult, grandparents, older people

Geriatric Mental Health

1 in 3 seniors don’t receive the mental health treatment they need. Elders are more  susceptible to suffering during the isolation producing Covid pandemic.

Therapy addressing age related issues, such as declining health and memory

⇒   Normalizing aging and reshaping it into healthy storylines

⇒   Coping with Alzheimer’s, difficulty with daily activities, depression and anxiety

⇒   Art and writing therapy to promote brain function and meaning making

⇒   In-home visits, collaboration with caregivers and social service agencies

⇒   Counseling for caregivers, whether professional or family members 

Behavioral Support

⇒. Prevention and strength based support planning with an emphasis on safety, relationships and coping

⇒.Comprehensive assessment of behavioral influences, such as mood, medical conditions and environment

⇒ Detailed plans for clients and care networks outlining actions to take to assist before, during and after behavioral occurrences

" Therapy has helped me feel more hopeful about the future. Holly is a kind listener and is always there to help. "
73 year old client